Another one bites the dust
Yet another prominent conservative media voice has succumbed to coronavirus after arguing against public health measures like masks and vaccines. WNDB radio announced on Saturday night that anti-vax radio host Marc Bernier had passed away. After Bernier was hospitalized three weeks ago...
Regardless of viewpoints and whatnot, it is important to look at articles like this and see what is represents. While it doesn't signify anything regarding actual numbers, it does illustrate the mentality of that particular side.
Ever play a sport or game against someone and, whether they are winning or losing, they celebrate every point scored against you as the world's greatest victory. Jumping for joy and rubbing their brief success in your face even when they're losing overall.
I mean, the anti-vax crowd isn't really parading articles about every vaccinated individual who dies. Sure, they call attention to the numbers, but they don't write articles specifically calling out an individual that basically say, "Ha ha look at how dumb this guy was!"
It reeks of insecurity. My father, a nation champion collegiate football quarterback, taught me that when I find myself in the endzone, act like I've been there before. It instills fear into your opponent when you absolutely trounce them, then turn around and act like it's no big deal. Whereas someone acting like they won the super bowl when they've only just scored a touchdown, while they think they're demoralizing you, actually has the opposite effect. It shows you they've never been there before, and if that's a great victory then you've seen everything they have to offer.
Just saying, my dude. Posting articles making fun of dead people and adding a "gotcha" on there doesn't do anything but convince the people you're trying to demoralize that you're the one barely hanging in there.