Aware of what you say, i'm just trying to replace the traditional banjo bolt fitting to the calipers and rear master cylinder. (you can see what a mess the standard fitting looks with the use of banjo bolt)
Hopefully BMW Alpina is working on something!
Hello Chris320,
Yes, I am currently working on solution... and I understand what you mean by "the mess the standard fitting looks"...
Especially I don't like the way they split the front right and left caliper by using double banjo bolts on the right front caliper...
I prefer a true dual separate line to each caliper and combine using a nice Y adapter...
so this past few days, I was hunting for the nicest looking Y adapter...
and this is the nicest so far from Melotti Racing:
However, there is a few problems:
a. this splitter is very big and if I mounted it near engine side, then, it is hidden so no use for my cosmetic purpose, or can be shown near the fairing vent opening but it will look like a mess of flexible braided line
b. if I mounted at the lower triple clamp, that mean no more horns, and I don't want that... I want my bike to be fully functional like from the factory (even the horn)

(I know, I am just being too demanding even my bike is only for static display)... plus I already bought that PIAA horn hahaha

Beside, you cannot really mounted it on the triple clamp because the input line will be coming from the ABS and not from the front master cylinder like on this Yamaha R1,
so the braided brake line will have high risk of being pinch... well I think it will be pinch,...
in summary, this won't work... well, it will work without ABS, but if I am not even willing to ditch my horn... I am sure as hell will not ditch my ABS
so after surfing the internet for hours and hours and losing sleep time... I found this splitter below...(and I already order it) I will use the left horizontal port as input from ABS and the two vertical parallel port to go to left and right caliper, each with it's own braided kevlar line. As soon as the splitter arrive, I will measure and take picture and post it here so you can see the size and how it fit.
I think this should be small enough to be bolted on the location near the current bracket (just on top of the radiator), picture below show the location that I plan to bolted this spliter to:
I also already order several Goodridge Banjo Adapters that will be used on the ABS ports. I need to buy this Banjo Adapters first so I can then start doing a "simulation brake like" to determine what kind of crimped banjo (and other fittings) that I will need for both the hardline and the kevlar line. Once they arrive and I post pictures, you will have better understanding on what I mean...
Oh, I also bought TITANIUM Tube Nut, yes Titanium material for the 3/16 cooper nickel hardline tubing. This Titanium Tube Nut is only available in Metric 10x1mm thread, so I will have to flare the hardline in DIN/ISO Bubble standard instead of the AN/JIC standard...
Now, regarding Staubli, I also spent some time to study them... and this is the best link to study them:
Quick-release couplings for hydraulic applications - Stäubli
I always wondered why everyone is using (and most vendor is only selling) the SPH line with aluminum material... well silly me, the answer is price of course

so I guess, I also will only be using the SPH line... I am confident with the safety of the SPH line because it use Bayonet style connection, although I don't think it will ever be road approved due to this...
just make sure you check before you ride your bike, make sure no bad jealous people disconnect your brake line while you park your bike.
Also, I will use the banjo fitting style, this way, not only you safe on weight and extra fittings, it will also act as "bracket" that prevent too much "swing" during riding. I also like the cleaner look compare to another braided line with the staubli connector hanging in between... Anyway, I will update my hardline/kevlar line project, however progress might be slow because I need to order parts, measure/fit, order more parts, measure/fit/fabricate and order more parts etc. etc. etc..
but this will be fun