Ya know if you weren't across the pond, I'd challenge you to a curb squirrel appeal test. You bring your Duc and I bring my HP4, we park them out in front of someplace public and tally which gets the most admirers. Preferably a college campus where we can "interview" any cute female admirers on why they like our bikes (emphasizing the owners)
Screw settling this like gentlemen. We'll settle it like any man should: which bike picks up the most women!
I love a challenge just as much as the next bloke.
But, you haven't got a chance
I'll bet you my trusty old RED 2012 1199 S will get more instant moist-ons than your gay magnet blue wheeled BMW
I'll even pull more lezo's well before your BMW ever will.
That's without even starting it
Quite frankly I reckon I've probably got an unfair advantage, because even the sound from my mighty Termi slips will herald my approach at a measly 3000 rpm, and will be pulling them from within a Kilometre radius of our meeting point.
AAND, they won't care how fancy your suspension technology is because it will be beyond their comprehension any way.
The bike they'll want to sit on, and get their pic taken with (while it's stationary) will be the DUCATI.
Just so they can have an excuse to strike poses, hang their ....ies out, and show off their sexy ..... while looking around to see who's looking at them.
Lets face it.
If you put both bikes side by side in a showroom, a sales person would have no problem UP SELLING people into the RED DUCATI 1199 S against a boring old HP4 with its Gay Blue wheels and ........ decals any day
Red DUCATIs' are a styling classic in their own time
That's a universal fact
Blue and white BMWs', with their "Gay Blue" wheels are more suited to parade duty at the G&L Mardi gras (at night), where there's so much other colour, movement and gyrating around to distract the crowd from the 1 eyed possum look
My advise to you is.
Don't even bother showing up.
You'll only embarrass yourself
Tell you what, seeing as you appear to be a nice enough sort of person, I might even toss you some crumbs to lick off the footpath
Just don't park too close to me. Ok.
I'm going to need room for crowd control, and organizing the girls in an orderly and proficient manner
Duty of care and all that.
Actually seeing as you won't be doing all that much, you can earn your crumbs by helping with organising the line up of girls