It's not just MCN.
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I'm not saying there is anything wrong with the 1199. The reason why I'm evaluating it is because it's 'pure sex on wheels'. But I actually like to ride my bike...sometimes on the track and not always a leisurely stroll. Results from multiple sources have me thinking the 1199 is a great bike to look at, it's a great bike to ride in certain use cases, but if I want the best performance litre bike the 1199 isn't it.
Before anyone has a cow, I'm not a Ducati basher. I'm considering spending my hard earned cash on one. However, I don't have a loyalty to them or any other motorcycle brand.
Clearly to each his own and the 1199 is sexy as hell, but starting to have reservations about it being the bike for
I know people will bash me for not saying all the right things, but I'm hoping some folks may have constructive thoughts about the 1199 as it relates to performance and tell me what I missing other than it's the prettiest.

And yes I know I'm not a MotoGP rider and not capable of using all of the bikes potential, but still doesn't make me want a bike with the most potential any less.