PRO Pipe on a non R bike

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Well I stand to be corrected but its a feeling I get.... Seems the R is special and so are its riders???

Doesn't the "S" on the 1199S stand for special ?

Seriously I do not detect any "special" tone in Kope's posts. He may just be trying put some reality into the discussion. If Ducati meant that the Pro pipe was okay to put on the S or Base then they would say so.

Then again what the hell do I know, I have stock as a rock exhaust.:p
Doesn't the "S" on the 1199S stand for special ?

Seriously I do not detect any "special" tone in Kope's posts. He may just be trying put some reality into the discussion. If Ducati meant that the Pro pipe was okay to put on the S or Base then they would say so.

Then again what the hell do I know, I have stock as a rock exhaust.:p

Implying any exhaust can cause engine failure is beyond dumb. That's exactly what he said by saying its R only and every post of his is just ridiculous hype about how the R is just so different from the S/base. Its really not, its just more equipped.

The R has the map already in its ECU that's the only difference. THE. ONLY. DIFFERENCE.
Implying any exhaust can cause engine failure is beyond dumb. That's exactly what he said by saying its R only and every post of his is just ridiculous hype about how the R is just so different from the S/base. Its really not, its just more equipped.

The R has the map already in its ECU that's the only difference. THE. ONLY. DIFFERENCE.

Don't read his post or thread then .
Good grief guys! Can we drag out this thread and beat it death anymore... I think so!

So, I'm bored and will throw in my 2 cents just for fun.:)

Kope says its the exhaust and Gatti say its the tune... Wouldn't it be a combination of both?

If you put the exhaust on and it blows that would be the lack of tuning which would be primarily caused by installing the exhaust in the first place, right? So the exhaust would be the issue.

Or what if you tuned it incorrectly with the stock exhaust which could result in a blown engine due to poor tuning, right? So the tuning would be the issue.

Anywho... Is the peanut butter in the chocolate or chocolate in the peanut butter? It's all in how you look at it and some people see things different than others.
Don't read his post or thread then .

That's intelligent. Lets just allow people to push agendas and mislead others without rebuttal.

Good grief guys! Can we drag out this thread and beat it death anymore... I think so!

So, I'm bored and will throw in my 2 cents just for fun.:)

Kope says its the exhaust and Gatti say its the tune... Wouldn't it be a combination of both?

If you put the exhaust on and it blows that would be the lack of tuning which would be primarily caused by installing the exhaust in the first place, right? So the exhaust would be the issue.

Or what if you tuned it incorrectly with the stock exhaust which could result in a blown engine due to poor tuning, right? So the tuning would be the issue.

Anywho... Is the peanut butter in the chocolate or chocolate in the peanut butter? It's all in how you look at it and some people see things different than others.

No its 100% the tune or something else entirely. See any exhaust that fits an R will fit a base or S. he's implying that since some nameless guy blew a non R engine with this exhaust then this exhaust blows non R engines which is presumptuous and ludicrous.

For example it would be the same thing as installing a termi full exhaust on a bike then not installing the tune or any tune, blowing the engine and claiming its the fault of the exhaust.
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No its 100% the tune or something else entirely. See any exhaust that fits an R will fit a base or S. he's implying that since some nameless guy blew a non R engine with this exhaust then this exhaust blows non R engines which is presumptuous and ludicrous.

For example it would be the same thing as installing a termi full exhaust on a bike then not installing the tune or any tune, blowing the engine and claiming its the fault of the exhaust.

I'm sure the exhaust would fit the R and S the same.:rolleyes:

I understand what your saying but it's still takes a combination of both to create the issue. No exhaust, no need for tune or install exhaust and tune.

I agree, unless some research was done after the blow up, how can it be confirmed it was due to just the installation of the exhaust with no tuning or poor tuning or other contributing factors such as non-Ti con rods or multiple other things that have nothing to do with being an R, S, or base.
If any exhaust is going to blow anything it'll be mine ;)

.....but instead I'm scaring grannies with my flybys :p
waw gatti . i m implying? i m pushing agenda's that need reprisal? you have this feeling? R riders special ? i would be in dire need to prove to be something special... waw gatti , man , you see right through me. All the way from austin, texas.. without ever having met me or spoken to me in person. i m impressed. you must be the most psychic man on the planet. all my posts creating a hype that the R is something special when it s basically not ? well , bizarre then that ducati itself aparantly needs to make the R to make a chance in SSTK. could it be it s because they need the ti conrods as standard in an engine as they cant change them afterwards. now why would they need ti conrods .and bizarre then that ducati claim the pro pipe to be R only. and that ducati allows it under warranty on the R and not on the others. ducati also says that the corse sbk is not covered under warranty on the R. and what does the sbk pipe do ? it increased torque and hp between 5.5 and 8 k revs. so ducati itself is prudent on what increased torque and power will do even to stronger and race oriented R engines.

i ve SEEN WITH MY OWN EYES two blown pushed base engines and HEARD with my own ears the warranty statements coming from Ducati dealer and ducati europe what the implications are on warranty when doing different things to the bike. and not in theory. standing nex to a friend who was waiting whether he had to pick up the 10k euro pricetab on a new engine or not. and i ve held with my own hands the made to order conrods made by a the only english ducati bsb race team they put in their sstk engines before ducati had ti ones in their R . well these guys just put those conrods in because they look better. not because they dont want to risk blowing the stock ones. but what do they know. how do i know? because i made the effort to go over to,england and talk to them and listen very carefully to what they were saying. as it interests me as i am building something close to sstk. and that after all this i am worried that i might do the wrong things to the bike and end up throwing a bucket of oil on my own tires and in front of a dozen other riders riding with me .. well, gatti man, that is not trying to be special , that is being consciensious of others sharing the same track.. i dont wanne see someone gettibg hurt are bikes destroyed becaus indeed i did not know what i was doing.

why are the conrods suspect ? because it s the only thing ducati changed in it s R . so thats perhaps is a good indication that stock ones just may be not good enough, no?

well , i have this feeling that you seem to have problem with the message that base conrods just might not be good enough to take the extra stress from increased torque, power and intense trackuse. but hey , that s just feeling..

for all those having to make their mind up on doing things to their bike : what would be the best message : "be carefull with what you do as you might get into reliabiltyand thus warranty trouble" , or, "just do whatever you want to it! i, the great gatti , insure you there are no consequences" i just know that it wont be the great gatti having oil on his rear tire or picking up the bill, now will he..

the rebuttal im really interested to hear from anyone is someone telling me : "i did run a pro pipe on a stock engine, tuned it to 188 bhp + , rode it hard track only for 15k km , did only the the street maintenace, had my dealer confirm the warranty after i told him what i did and guess what: no problem whatsoever.. " but that won t come , now will it, as nobody has done this before...

well , each to his own, i guess

i will however apologize to the whole of the english speaking world that my english or american is not as good as my dutch, french or german. inve learned to live with flaws a long time ago..
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waw gatti . i m implying? i m pushing agenda's that need reprisal? you have this feeling? R riders special ? i would be in dire need to prove to be something special... waw gatti , man , you see right through me. All the way from austin, texas.. without ever having met me or spoken to me in person. i m impressed. you must be the most psychic man on the planet. all my posts creating a hype that the R is something special when it s basically not ? well , bizarre then that ducati itself aparantly needs to make the R to make a chance in SSTK. could it be it s because they need the ti conrods as standard in an engine as they cant change them afterwards. now why would they need ti conrods .and bizarre then that ducati claim the pro pipe to be R only. and that ducati allows it under warranty on the R and not on the others. ducati also says that the corse sbk is not covered under warranty on the R. and what does the sbk pipe do ? it increased torque and hp between 5.5 and 8 k revs. so ducati itself is prudent on what increased torque and power will do even to stronger and race oriented R engines.

i ve SEEN WITH MY OWN EYES two blown pushed base engines and HEARD with my own ears the warranty statements coming from Ducati dealer and ducati europe what the implications are on warranty when doing different things to the bike. and not in theory. standing nex to a friend who was waiting whether he had to pick up the 10k euro pricetab on a new engine or not. and i ve held with my own hands the made to order conrods made by a the only english ducati bsb race team they put in their sstk engines before ducati had ti ones in their R . well these guys just put those conrods in because they look better. not because they dont want to risk blowing the stock ones. but what do they know. how do i know? because i made the effort to go over to,england and talk to them and listen very carefully to what they were saying. as it interests me as i am building something close to sstk. and that after all this i am worried that i might do the wrong things to the bike and end up throwing a bucket of oil on my own tires and in front of a dozen other riders riding with me .. well, gatti man, that is not trying to be special , that is being consciensious of others sharing the same track.. i dont wanne see someone gettibg hurt are bikes destroyed becaus indeed i did not know what i was doing.

why are the conrods suspect ? because it s the only thing ducati changed in it s R . so thats perhaps is a good indication that stock ones just may be not good enough, no?

well , i have this feeling that you seem to have problem with the message that base conrods just might not be good enough to take the extra stress from increased torque, power and intense trackuse. but hey , that s just feeling..

for all those having to make their mind up on doing things to their bike : what would be the best message : "be carefull with what you do as you might get into reliabiltyand thus warranty trouble" , or, "just do whatever you want to it! i, the great gatti , insure you there are no consequences" i just know that it wont be the great gatti having oil on his rear tire or picking up the bill, now will he..

the rebuttal im really interested to hear from anyone is someone telling me : "i did run a pro pipe on a stock engine, tuned it to 188 bhp + , rode it hard track only for 15k km , did only the the street maintenace, had my dealer confirm the warranty after i told him what i did and guess what: no problem whatsoever.. " but that won t come , now will it, as nobody has done this before...

well , each to his own, i guess

i will however apologize to the whole of the english speaking world that my english or american is not as good as my dutch, french or german. inve learned to live with flaws a long time ago..
So now you are asserting that an extra 8bhp over the full termi exhaust will pop base engines and extra torque from 5-8k rpm also pops our engines.

Just stop you have nothing to back up your claims what so ever. You don't even have names of the guys that blew engines. Further more you are supposing an increase in power of 6-8% kills our motors which if true is almost unheard of.
Are you special needs ? Your the guy that told me it takes three days to lock the suspension in on the S . LOL.

Are you buddies with this guy? You must realize how absurd his claims are if you are as intelligent as you think you are.
That's the tune causing failure not the exhaust.

no, it's the exhaust, as it has been put on without considering all other surroundings.

if you make a change, you gotta change the whole package, not just one item. that's what kope is trying to explain. seems like the R has maps which can cope with the exhaust, other models can't.

thanks to him for the warning.
no, it's the exhaust, as it has been put on without considering all other surroundings.

if you make a change, you gotta change the whole package, not just one item. that's what kope is trying to explain. seems like the R has maps which can cope with the exhaust, other models can't.

thanks to him for the warning.

You guys must know absolutely zero about engines. I give up.
some info :

The Pro pipes are meant for R only. As of course it can be mounted but it s impossible to activate the RPO settings already in place in the R. Aftermarkets engine managment systems have to be used. This annuls the warranty. and apparantly the non R engines seem not to cope very well with that pipe. .The engine that blew yesterday carried that pipe for not more than a couple of laps... is it due to that pipe? who knows? is it reassuring , certainly not.. Ducati states clearly that the Pro Pipe is R only...

After reviewing the initial post and and all others I don't understand what the big debate and attack on Kope is about.

The post started with "some info :" and went to say that yes the pro pipe could be fit on a non R bike but you could not get the map for it on an non R bike and would have to use some other engine management system.

That is the same thing Gatti has been preaching about in his posts being the tuning! C'mon man!

Then Kope goes on to say "is it due to the pipe?" and doesn't say it was the pipe. To me that would mean lack of tuning with the pipe installed and not its only the pipes fault. After that it he says "who knows?" which means it could be something else or combined issue.

So, this looks like info for who wants it and the all the bashing makes no sense. Some people need to take the time to clearly read it before bashing people. Kope has posted a lot of info for forum members and I don't see where he has tried to steer anyone in the wrong direction.

Without people like Kope to post threads with bike related info then might as well let the spam take over...

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